Saliglasa Is For You
For Members
Medical Diagnosis, Treatment and Management
♦ All adult acute illnesses (e.g. respiratory, GI or urinary tract infections) and chronic medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, COPD)
***In-house diagnostics included at no additional cost to members include: blood glucose measurement, hemoglobin A1c, throat swabs, urinalysis, pregnancy test, PAP smear, EKG, Peak flow.
***Send-out labs available at discounted prices
♦ Referrals when specialty care is needed
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
♦ Personal wellness goal setting and on-going healthy lifestyle coaching
♦ Evidence based, age-appropriate screenings including risk assessment for common medical conditions including cardiovascular disease
♦ Annual full physical exam
Patient Engagement
♦ Full medical history review, health literacy assessment, Q&A sessions to ensure full understanding of records, health literacy enhancement sessions using various teaching modalities, review of “What Matters to You Most” questionnaire, and joint health goal setting. Personal health history summary with recommendations will be compiled as a digital Personal Health File (PHF) and given to each member to keep and update.
♦ Personal health goal identification and shared decision making processes include discussions on treatment courses we might take, for both pharmaceutical interventions, and non-pharmaceutical interventions, including exploring complementary and alternative medical interventions and life style changes.
♦ Health education and coaching sessions to develop skills for self management including with the use of patient engagement technologies.
Other Member Services At No Additional Cost
♦ Home visits- up to 4x/ year (must live within 10 mile radius from clinic)
♦ Debrief family members on conditions as requested by patient
♦ Hospital visits, if admitted to a hospital for stays >2 days, or if require ICU care (must be within 15 mile radius from clinic)
♦ Direct communication with specialists (if referred ) or with hospital attendings (if admitted) for close care coordination and advocacy
♦ End of life medical care planning and Advanced Directives preparation, as needed (Note: this service does not pertain to physician assisted suicide
Other Member Services at Additional Cost
♦ Focused health coaching ($350/month. This price includes your regular membership services in addition to meeting with Dr. Kebede weekly or bi-weekly for 6, 9 or 12 months of duration to get coached on:
weight management, stress and mental health management
♦ Coaching sessions will focus on goal setting, identification of assets and/or ambivalence that influence success, personalized and on going counseling, skill building sessions, provision of resources and interventions based on current scientific evidence and patient preference. We measure progress regularly, update/modify action plans as necessary; document success and repeat the process until goal is achieved.
♦ Focused health coaching for selected conditions may or may not always include concomitant treatment with pharmaceuticals and visits to a specialist.
For Non-members
Although we would love for patients to become members to get all the listed benefits we offer quality medical services for individuals at non-member prices. Please see our pricing page and note that all benefits may not be available and services are subject to availabilities!
♦ Focused acute and chronic disease management: such as urinary tract infection, hypertension, upper respiratory infection etc. We can fit in most patients on the same day as appointments are available however, as Saliglasa is not an urgent care, patients should either go to an urgent care of call 911 for any emergencies or conditions that are rapidly evolving or worsening.
♦ Comprehensive exam and preventive care: this service includes general health counseling and age appropriate screening test recommendations based on individual needs in addition to full physical examination and basic lab tests.
♦ Patient engagement services: we offer comprehensive medical history review (including all hospitalization records, diagnostics, labs, medications and specialist consultations), health literacy assessment and enhancement sessions, Q&A time and a free digital personal health file for you to keep that summarizes details of your medical record and any follow up recommendations as may be necessary.
Engaged patients make healthier choices and get better quality of care, partner with us and we will get you there!